A Gift in Your Will
A Gift in Your Will is a wonderful way to ensure your generosity lives beyond your lifetime. It can make a significant difference for ICF to help prepare for the future in areas of treatment, research and education, as well as creating additional capabilities to provide the highest level of patient care that would otherwise not be possible.
We appreciate that making a Will is a very important and private act and understand it is a priority to provide first for family and loved ones. However, once your primary responsibilities have been made, we ask with hope that you would consider a gift to the Intensive Care Foundation.
Your gift, large or small, will be put to immediate use by growing our research grant program, saving and enhancing lives and giving important opportunities to talented early-career researchers. You can talk to us about how you would like your gift to be used or if there is a specific are of research we could apply it towards.
Types of Bequests
It is easy to include a gift to the Foundation in a new Will or add a gift to an existing Will. First, it is important to decide what type of gift (bequest) you would like to make.
- A residuary gift (ie a share of the residue of the estate once legacies and costs have been paid)
- A percentage of the estate
- A pecuniary legacy (a specific sum)
- An asset, such as real estate, shares and/or a specific item, such as a piece of equipment, work of art or a motor vehicle
A Will is a very powerful legal document and care must be taken in drafting or amending it.
Accordingly, we recommend that you consult with a lawyer to draft or amend your Will. To assist, we have prepared the following options of clauses about our Foundation:
Option 1
I give [insert percentage] of my residuary estate [or residue or other consistent wording as used in the Will to refer to the balance remaining after payments of specific gifts and costs] to the Intensive Care Foundation, ABN 80 130 947 581 of Level 1, 101 High Street, Prahran, Victoria, 3181 for the purpose of [funding research grants] OR for its general purposes.
Option 2
I give [insert dollar amount or a specific asset] to the Intensive Care Foundation,
ABN 80 130 947 581 of Level 1, 101 High Street, Prahran, Victoria, 3181 for the purpose of [funding research grants] OR for its general purposes.
Talk To Us
If you are considering leaving a gift to the Intensive Care Foundation in your Will, we thank you most sincerely. If you have already included a gift to us in your Will, please let us know so we can thank you personally and acknowledge you now. If you would like to make a lifetime donation, discuss any issues relating to gifts in Wills or share your thoughts and wishes in the strictest confidence, please contact us today.