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The Intensive Care Foundation is committed to advancing critical care through high-quality research. Our research and education grants have supported groundbreaking studies that improve patient outcomes, enhance ICU practices, and contribute to life-saving innovations.

On this page, you’ll find a collection of publications that have arisen from our funded research. These works highlight the impact of our grants in Australia and New Zealand, showcasing the dedication of researchers striving to improve survival and quality of life for critically ill patients.

Temperature management for patients without brain injury in Australia and New Zealand ICUs: a point prevalence study.
Critical care (London, England), 16(Suppl 1)pp P58-P58. 
Hammond, N. E., Saxena, M., Young, P., Taylor, C., Seppelt, I., Glass, P. & Myburgh, J. 2012.
The Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group point prevalence program, 2009-2016.

Crit Care Resusc, 19(1), pp 88-93.
Thompson, K., Hammond, N., Eastwood, G., Festa, M., Glass, P., Rajbhandari, D., Seppelt, I., Taylor, C., Watts, N. & Myburgh, J. 2017.

New sepsis definition changes incidence of sepsis in the intensive care unit.

Crit Care Resusc, 19(1), pp 9-13.
Fullerton, J. N., Thompson, K., Shetty, A., Iredell, J. R., Lander, H., Myburgh, J. A. & Finfer, S. 2017.

Resuscitation fluid use in Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Units between 2007 and 2013.

Intensive Care Med, 41(9), pp 1611-9.
Hammond, N. E., Taylor, C., Saxena, M., Liu, B., Finfer, S., Glass, P., Seppelt, I., Willenberg, L. & Myburgh, J. 2015.

Does anyone ever expect to die?

Anaesth Intensive Care, 45(4), pp 466-468.
Anstey, M., Watts, N., Orford, N., Seppelt, I. M. & Mitchell, I. 2017.

Nutrition practices in Australia and New Zealand in response to evolving evidence: Results of three point-prevalence audits.

Aust Crit Care.
Chapple, L. S., Neuts, A., O'Connor, S. N., Williams, P., Hurford, S., Young, P. J., Hammond, N. E., Knowles, S., Chapman, M. J., Peake, S., Target Investigators, T. G. I. f. G. H., the Australia & New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials,. 2024.

Communication status in adult intensive care patients: A multicentre, binational point prevalence study.

Australian Critical Care, 35, S9.
Freeman-Sanderson, D. A., Hemsley, P. B., Thompson, D. K., Rogers, A. P. K., Knowles, D. S. & Hammond, A. P. N. 2022

Device-related pressure injuries in adult intensive care unit patients: An Australian and New Zealand point prevalence study.

Aust Crit Care, 34(6), pp 561-568.
Coyer, F., Barakat-Johnson, M., Campbell, J., Palmer, J., Parke, R. L., Hammond, N. E., Knowles, S. & Doubrovsky, A. 2021.

A multicentre point prevalence study of delirium assessment and management in patients admitted to Australian and New Zealand intensive care units.

Critical care and resuscitation, 22(4), pp 355-360.
Ankravs, M. J., Udy, A. A., Byrne, K., Knowles, S., Hammond, N., Saxena, M. K., Reade, M. C., Bailey, M., Bellomo, R. & Deane, A. M. 2020.

Dysphagia in adult intensive care patients: Results of a prospective, multicentre binational point prevalence study.

Australian Critical Care.
Amy Freeman-Sanderson, P., BAppSc (Speech Pathology) , Bronwyn Hemsley, P., Kelly Thompson, P., Serena Knowles, P. & Naomi E. Hammond, R., PhD 2023.

Sodium administration in critically ill patients in Australia and New Zealand: a multicentre point prevalence study.

 Crit Care Resusc, 15(4), pp 294-300.
Bihari, S., Peake, S. L., Seppelt, I., Williams, P. & Bersten, A. 2013

Sodium administration in critically ill paediatric patients in Australia and New Zealand: a multicentre point prevalence study.

Crit Care Resusc, 16(2), pp 112-8.
Bihari, S., Peake, S. L., Seppelt, I., Williams, P. & Bersten, A. 2013.

Temperature management of non-elective intensive care patients without neurological abnormalities: a point prevalence study of practice in Australia and New Zealand

Crit Care Resusc, 15(3), pp 228-33.
Hammond, N. E., Saxena, M. K., Taylor, C., Young, P., Seppelt, I., Glass, P. & Myburgh, J. 2013.

Temperature management of patients with sepsis and inflammation in Australian and New Zealand ICUs: a point prevalence study.

Critical care (London, England), 16(Suppl 1), pp P58-P58.
Hammond, N. E., Saxena, M., Young, P., Taylor, C., Seppelt, I., Glass, P. & Myburgh, J. 2012.

Enteral nutrition in Australian and New Zealand intensive care units: a point-prevalence study of prescription practices.

Crit Care Resusc, 14(2), pp 148-53.
Peake, S. L., Chapman, M. J., Davies, A. R., Moran, J. L., O'Connor, S., Ridley, E. & Williams, P. 2012.

Intensive care unit mobility practices in Australia and New Zealand: a point prevalence study.

Crit Care Resusc, 15(4), pp 260-5.
Berney, S. C., Harrold, M., Webb, S. A., Seppelt, I., Patman, S., Thomas, P. J. & Denehy, L. 2013.

Patient comfort in the intensive care unit: a multicentre, binational point prevalence study of analgesia, sedation and delirium management.

Anaesth Intensive Care, 39(5), pp 926-35.
K. M., Burrell, A. R., Elliott, D., Webb, S. A., Seppelt, I. M., Taylor, C. & Glass, P. 2011.

Compliance with processes of care in intensive care units in Australia and New Zealand--a point prevalence study.

Hewson-Conroy, K. M., Burrell, A. R., Elliott, D., Webb, S. A., Seppelt, I. M., Taylor, C. & Glass, P. 2011

Temperature management in patients with acute neurological lesions: an Australian and New Zealand point prevalence study.

Saxena, M. K., Taylor, C. B., Hammond, N. E., Young, P. J., Seppelt, I. M., Glass, P. & Myburgh, J. A.

Machine learning to predict poor school performance in paediatric survivors of intensive care: a population-based cohort study.
 Gilholm P, Gibbons K, Brüningk S, Klatt J, Vaithianathan R, Long D, Millar J, Tomaszewski W, Schlapbach LJ; Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) Centre for Outcomes & Resource Evaluation (CORE) and ANZICS Paediatric Study Group (ANZICS PSG).
Population pharmacokinetics of piperacillin-tazobactam in the plasma and cerebrospinal fluid of critically ill patients.
Kumta N, Heffernan AJ, Cotta MO, Liu X, Parker S, Wallis S, Livermore A, Starr T, Wong WT, Joynt GM, Lipman J, Roberts JA.
Grant winner 2023 - Josh McLarty

Josh was a recipient of a grant from the Intensive Care Foundation in 2023.  Josh and his team have used the grant to create animated and education videos aimed at early career intensive care staff across all disciplines in ICU.

You can see these videos here: