The Intensive Care Foundation is committed to advancing critical care through high-quality research. Our research and education grants have supported groundbreaking studies that improve patient outcomes, enhance ICU practices, and contribute to life-saving innovations.
On this page, you’ll find a collection of publications that have arisen from our funded research. These works highlight the impact of our grants in Australia and New Zealand, showcasing the dedication of researchers striving to improve survival and quality of life for critically ill patients.

Crit Care Resusc, 19(1), pp 88-93.
Thompson, K., Hammond, N., Eastwood, G., Festa, M., Glass, P., Rajbhandari, D., Seppelt, I., Taylor, C., Watts, N. & Myburgh, J. 2017.

Crit Care Resusc, 19(1), pp 9-13.
Fullerton, J. N., Thompson, K., Shetty, A., Iredell, J. R., Lander, H., Myburgh, J. A. & Finfer, S. 2017.

Intensive Care Med, 41(9), pp 1611-9.
Hammond, N. E., Taylor, C., Saxena, M., Liu, B., Finfer, S., Glass, P., Seppelt, I., Willenberg, L. & Myburgh, J. 2015.

Anaesth Intensive Care, 45(4), pp 466-468.
Anstey, M., Watts, N., Orford, N., Seppelt, I. M. & Mitchell, I. 2017.

Aust Crit Care.
Chapple, L. S., Neuts, A., O'Connor, S. N., Williams, P., Hurford, S., Young, P. J., Hammond, N. E., Knowles, S., Chapman, M. J., Peake, S., Target Investigators, T. G. I. f. G. H., the Australia & New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials,. 2024.

Australian Critical Care, 35, S9.
Freeman-Sanderson, D. A., Hemsley, P. B., Thompson, D. K., Rogers, A. P. K., Knowles, D. S. & Hammond, A. P. N. 2022

Aust Crit Care, 34(6), pp 561-568.
Coyer, F., Barakat-Johnson, M., Campbell, J., Palmer, J., Parke, R. L., Hammond, N. E., Knowles, S. & Doubrovsky, A. 2021.

Critical care and resuscitation, 22(4), pp 355-360.
Ankravs, M. J., Udy, A. A., Byrne, K., Knowles, S., Hammond, N., Saxena, M. K., Reade, M. C., Bailey, M., Bellomo, R. & Deane, A. M. 2020.

Australian Critical Care.
Amy Freeman-Sanderson, P., BAppSc (Speech Pathology) , Bronwyn Hemsley, P., Kelly Thompson, P., Serena Knowles, P. & Naomi E. Hammond, R., PhD 2023.

Crit Care Resusc, 15(4), pp 294-300.
Bihari, S., Peake, S. L., Seppelt, I., Williams, P. & Bersten, A. 2013

Crit Care Resusc, 16(2), pp 112-8.
Bihari, S., Peake, S. L., Seppelt, I., Williams, P. & Bersten, A. 2013.

Crit Care Resusc, 15(3), pp 228-33.
Hammond, N. E., Saxena, M. K., Taylor, C., Young, P., Seppelt, I., Glass, P. & Myburgh, J. 2013.

Critical care (London, England), 16(Suppl 1), pp P58-P58.
Hammond, N. E., Saxena, M., Young, P., Taylor, C., Seppelt, I., Glass, P. & Myburgh, J. 2012.

Crit Care Resusc, 14(2), pp 148-53.
Peake, S. L., Chapman, M. J., Davies, A. R., Moran, J. L., O'Connor, S., Ridley, E. & Williams, P. 2012.

Crit Care Resusc, 15(4), pp 260-5.
Berney, S. C., Harrold, M., Webb, S. A., Seppelt, I., Patman, S., Thomas, P. J. & Denehy, L. 2013.

Anaesth Intensive Care, 39(5), pp 926-35.
K. M., Burrell, A. R., Elliott, D., Webb, S. A., Seppelt, I. M., Taylor, C. & Glass, P. 2011.

Hewson-Conroy, K. M., Burrell, A. R., Elliott, D., Webb, S. A., Seppelt, I. M., Taylor, C. & Glass, P. 2011

Saxena, M. K., Taylor, C. B., Hammond, N. E., Young, P. J., Seppelt, I. M., Glass, P. & Myburgh, J. A.

Josh was a recipient of a grant from the Intensive Care Foundation in 2023. Josh and his team have used the grant to create animated and education videos aimed at early career intensive care staff across all disciplines in ICU.
You can see these videos here: