In 2024, the ICF launched an ambitious goal to raise $10 million by 2029. This will be achieved through fundraising, sponsorship, promotional activities and by strengthening our partnerships and profile amongst our 3 partners, the intensive care industry, staff and the general public..
A key strategy to achieving this ambitious goal is the establishment of both the Intensive Care Future Fund and the Intensive Care Co-operative.
The Intensive Care Foundation Future Fund is a protected investment fund, where capital will be preserved, and only the earnings used to award research grants. This approach will provide sustainable funding for ICU research and education projects, ensuring they continue to receive support year after year. Every dollar contributed by donors will help grow this fund, allowing it to fuel research and education in perpetuity.
The Intensive Care Co-operative brings together a select group of medical companies, each making a 3-5 year pledge to support the Foundation's work. These partnerships are individually tailored to benefit both the companies and the Foundation, aligning corporate brands with the important of critical care research.
The Co-operative assists with administrative costs associated with expanding the fundraising efforts and raising our public profile beyond the medical community. With the co-operative’s backing, the ICF can invest in the resources needed to increase awareness and secure the donations that will fund our mission.