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Granting Program - Expression of Interest (EOI)

This form is for Expressions of Interest (EOI) in the Foundation’s Project Grants (Research or Education) only.

There is no EOI stage for our Educator Development Scholarships (applications open in June).

Applications close: 30 April 2025

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You must enter a project title
You must select grant category type



At least one member of the project team MUST be early in their career. Early career can pertain to clinical, research or education experience.


You must complete the Early Career section, be mindful it cannot be more than 600 characters in length.

At least one member of the project team must hold a professional membership with a recognised industry body (e.g. ANZICS, ACCCN, CICM, NZCCCN or an equivalent organisation).

Your project team must include professionals from at least two different disciplines that work together in an ICU setting.

You must select a membership held by one of your team members.
You must list the chief investigator
You must the email address of the Chief Investigator, please ensure email is valid.
You must include the institution of the Chief Investigator
You must include a contact phone number for the Chief Investigator, only numbers are allowed in this field.
Please provide the jurisdiction of the chief investigator.
You must include the discipline of the Chief Investigator
You must complete the gender field
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You must select the disciplines of all team members
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Please advise the project jurisdiction/s
You must include the grant focus
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You must include the research type
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Instructions. No restriction on use of bold, italics, underline. No restriction on use of figures, tables or pictures but any text they contain is included in the word limit.
Figures, tables and pictures are optional. Use of subheadings and text formatting is encouraged to assist readability and understanding.

Please note that images will need to be added separately to the text.

Please include a project description, please note the word limit is 500 words.


Full project grant applications will be judged in three domains:

  • merit (including significance and usefulness),
  • methods (including feasibility, budget, and capacity of the team to succeed), and
  • impact (of the project outputs, including their innovativeness, clinical uptake, and the ways in which they develop our craft and its future leaders).

Instructions.  No restriction on use of bold, italics, underline. Use 3 subheadings: merit, methods, and impact. Avoid duplication of information in the project description.

You must complete the Merit, methods and impact section


Important: If your EOI is successful, you will be invited to submit a full grant application later in the year. As a guide, the maximum grant we will award in 2025 is AUD $50,000. Within the total budget, the maximum amount that we will award for salary support line items is AUD$10,000.  

What is the approximate total amount of funding that you will be applying for?  

What are the major item (or items) in your budget?  

Explain how your project will be able to be completed within three years of being awarded a grant and summarise project feasibility overall.  

Instructions. No restriction on use of bold, italics, underline.

You must complete the budget & feasibility section - please note it is limited to 300 words


The deadline for submission of your EOI is 30 April 2025.

Applicants are encouraged to contact the Foundation prior to the submission deadline to ask any questions.  Email any enquiries to

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