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2008 Grant Recipients


Chief Investigator

Compliance with Processes of Care in the Intensive Care Unit. Dr Tony Burrell
Economic Evaluation of Resuscitation in Sepsis. Professor Rinaldo Bellomo
The RELEVANT Study. Professor D J (Jamie) Cooper
Mapping ICU Liaison Nurse Services in Australia. Suzanne Eliott
An Audit of the Time and Costs involved in the Ethical and Governance Review Process of a Multi-Centre Clinical Trial in Australia and New Zealand – TAME Study (Time and Money Evaluation). Belinda Howe
Impact of the Intensive Care Discharge Process on Patient Outcomes. A/Prof John Santamaria
The effect of varying arterial carbon dioxide concentrations (PaCo2) within the normocapnic range on brain tissue oxygenation and microdialysis markers of cell injury in severe traumatic brain injury. Professor David James Cooper
The ANZICS Clinical Trials Group Point Prevalence Program. Dr Ian Seppelt
Haemodynamic Effects of Paracetamol. Susan Kelly


ProjectChief Investigatorprofile
AUGMENTED Protein in critical illness: TARGET PROTEIN PILOT Trial
Lee-anne Chapple
Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Patient Reported Outcomes and Experience Measures (PROEMs) Program
Paul Secombe
Sepsis resuscitation and Acute Kidney Injury: a prospective nested cohort study of AKI in the ARISE FLUIDS Randomised Controlled Trial
Melissa Ankravs
Promoting safe, high quality care for every child: Harnessing binational knowledge and expertise to develop quality indicators for paediatric critical care
Jessica Schults
Iron and erythropoietin To Heal and Recover after Intensive Care: ITHRIVE Pilot Randomised Clinical Trial
Sarah van der Laan
ProjectChief Investigator
Primary Health Care Use in ICU Survivors: A Data Linkage Study
Kelly Thompson