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2011 Grant Recipients



Chief Investigator

TEAM: Trial of early activity and mobility in ICU (Alfred Hospital, VIC) $45,000 Dr Carol Hodgson
Early intervention to prevent muscle weakness in intensive care: a pilot randomised controlled trial (Austin Hospital, VIC) $40,000 Dr Sue Berney
Prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia by Inhaled Heparin (IPHIVAP) (Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, QLD) $35,000 Associate Professor Rob Boots
A prospective, observational study of critical illness related changes in bone mineral density, bone turnover and calcium metabolism (Barwon Health, VIC) $28,000 Dr Neil Orford
Do thromboelastometric parameters change with increasing degree of sepsis related organ failure? (Flinders Medical Centre, SA) $12,000 Dr Shivesh Prakash
Disposition of sedative, analgesic and antibiotic drugs during simulated extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (Prince Charles Hospital, QLD). $12,000 Dr Kiran Shekar.
Effect of ECMO on long term disability in severe ARDS (Alfred Hospital, VIC). $10,000 Dr Vincent Pellegrino
Post Resuscitation fluid boluses In severe sepsis or septic shock prevalence and Efficacy (PRICE study) (Flinders Medical Centre, SA). $7,000 Dr Shailesh Bihari


ProjectChief Investigatorprofile
AUGMENTED Protein in critical illness: TARGET PROTEIN PILOT Trial
Lee-anne Chapple
Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Patient Reported Outcomes and Experience Measures (PROEMs) Program
Paul Secombe
Sepsis resuscitation and Acute Kidney Injury: a prospective nested cohort study of AKI in the ARISE FLUIDS Randomised Controlled Trial
Melissa Ankravs
Promoting safe, high quality care for every child: Harnessing binational knowledge and expertise to develop quality indicators for paediatric critical care
Jessica Schults
Iron and erythropoietin To Heal and Recover after Intensive Care: ITHRIVE Pilot Randomised Clinical Trial
Sarah van der Laan
ProjectChief Investigator
Primary Health Care Use in ICU Survivors: A Data Linkage Study
Kelly Thompson