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2018 Grant Recipients



Chief Investigator

The ANZICS Clinical Trials Group Point Prevalence Program $25,000 Serena Knowles
The vitamin C, Hydrocortisone and Thiamine in Patients with septic shock $48,301 Nora Luethi
Plasma free cortisol and aldosterone concentrations in critically ill patients with septic shock $19,858 John Moore
Paediatric Neurodevelopment Outcomes following a randomised controlled trail of nitric oxide bypass in infants undergoing cardiac surgery $25,862 Debbie Long
feG: A means to minimise lung injury in acute respiratory distress syndrome $10,000 Elena Cavallaro
A randomised control study to examine the hemodynamic effects of resuscitation fluid temperature (warm bs room temperature) in critically ill patients $2,460 Simon Tan


ProjectChief Investigatorprofile
AUGMENTED Protein in critical illness: TARGET PROTEIN PILOT Trial
Lee-anne Chapple
Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Patient Reported Outcomes and Experience Measures (PROEMs) Program
Paul Secombe
Sepsis resuscitation and Acute Kidney Injury: a prospective nested cohort study of AKI in the ARISE FLUIDS Randomised Controlled Trial
Melissa Ankravs
Promoting safe, high quality care for every child: Harnessing binational knowledge and expertise to develop quality indicators for paediatric critical care
Jessica Schults
Iron and erythropoietin To Heal and Recover after Intensive Care: ITHRIVE Pilot Randomised Clinical Trial
Sarah van der Laan
ProjectChief Investigator
Primary Health Care Use in ICU Survivors: A Data Linkage Study
Kelly Thompson