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2009 Grant Recipients


Chief Investigator

A randomised controlled study comparing the effect of two different anticoagulation regimens on filter life during Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) – The Heparin Citrate (THC) Study. Dr David Gattas
Development of a new hyperosmolar solution for use in Neurotrauma. A/Prof Hayden White
MRI determination of renal blood flow during Acute Renal Failure in critically ill patients. Prof Ronaldo Bellomo
Pilot RCT of Continuous Beta-lactam infusion compared with intermittent dosing in critically ill patients. Prof Jeffrey Lipman
PCT guided antibiotic decision makling in ICU. A/Prof Yahya Shehabi
The efficacy, cost effectiveness, and environmental impact of Selective Decontamination of the Digestive tract in critically ill patients treated in the Intensive Care Unit (The SuDDICU study). Dr Ian Seppelt
Patient comfort and safety practices in ICU. Prof D Elliott


ProjectChief Investigatorprofile
AUGMENTED Protein in critical illness: TARGET PROTEIN PILOT Trial
Lee-anne Chapple
Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Patient Reported Outcomes and Experience Measures (PROEMs) Program
Paul Secombe
Sepsis resuscitation and Acute Kidney Injury: a prospective nested cohort study of AKI in the ARISE FLUIDS Randomised Controlled Trial
Melissa Ankravs
Promoting safe, high quality care for every child: Harnessing binational knowledge and expertise to develop quality indicators for paediatric critical care
Jessica Schults
Iron and erythropoietin To Heal and Recover after Intensive Care: ITHRIVE Pilot Randomised Clinical Trial
Sarah van der Laan
ProjectChief Investigator
Primary Health Care Use in ICU Survivors: A Data Linkage Study
Kelly Thompson